Our BEAUTIFUL "Typhoon" weather |
Aiden loves his buddy Noah! |
Where to even begin today? There are days that I just sit on our couch and stare outside out window…not really thinking about much just letting my mind wander. That’s how I feel at the moment. So much here is just out of control at the moment and TRUST is becoming an even bigger factor. Not necessarily in a bad way, just learning that my plans for life just don’t matter. HIS do! I confess that I’m struggling to sleep these days, waking up at strange hours and not able to go back to sleep. So I pray and then wonder why we are really here…what’s the purpose…what’s the end result? But then I remember that this is not my concern…my concern is just to daily trust and walk with HIM.
Well now that I have started on a crazy note…lets move on to more interesting things. Get back in the fun spirit!!! Well maybe the crazy won’t go away…at the moment the people next door are doing some AWFULLY LOUD construction and in the short time I have been writing this blog I have about jumped off the couch a few times…scares me to death!!! Whew…calm the blood pressure down! I’m just amazed that Aiden is asleep still through all of this …HALLELUJAH!
Do you like my new car?????? I wish! |
I had an interesting and heart stopping experience a week or so ago. One of our management guys came by and told me that in 30 minutes the police wanted to come and take my picture. At that point I wasn’t really thinking anything about it but then when they showed up 10 minutes later I had worked myself into a little bit of a tizzy….why did they want to take my picture??? Then they also asked to see my passport. I asked them to wait while I went to get it…did NOT let them in the house. Then I realized that I had NO IDEA how to get in our safe downstairs. I tried calling Jeffrey but he didn’t answer…took me forever of calling before calling one of his receptionist and demanding that she pull him out of his meeting. She didn’t want to and I felt horrible cause I think I got a little rude and had to apologize for that later. I was in PANIC mode at this point! Thank the Lord that I have a wonderful and calm husband to my hyper state of mind. He did his best to walk me through how to open the safe and what to do. But I still couldn’t get it open…I think I was way to keyed up, but I also think that I wasn’t meant to get in the safe at that moment. I finally went back up after about 30 minutes of making them wait only to find that the police had left and the management guy said they would come back later. I was FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! But who knows what they really wanted since to my knowledge they have not come back. O well…whatever…right?
We have learned that if all Chinese typhoon’s are like that one we had here recently, we want one every weekend. That was the first time since we have been here that we have seen a BLUE sky! It was beautiful and made us feel like we were back home. We got some rain and wind but nothing major. Though we were all warned to secure anything that wasn’t tied down, so we put all of our patio furniture in the arbor or laundry room…and to confess, we have yet to move it out. I guess that is a good thing since now that the typhoon is TOTALLY passed, we are getting a TON of rain! Go figure! Ha!
Feeding myself |
Since my last post Aiden has changed so much! He is crawling so fast and it is tough to keep up with him. He loves to “dance” and laughs so much. We had a visit from Jerome Beggs this week and Aiden LOVED him! He made a friend for life there! He gets so totally excited when Jeffrey gets home from work…totally adorable. He wants to feed himself with his spoon and makes a total mess. He still just has one tooth…he keeps rubbing his mouth like more are coming, but they are just slow. He says Da-Da all day long and loves to say it over and over. That’s his only word but he says it a lot! And he loves to clap. I heard him in his crib this morning when he woke up from his nap clapping away saying DaDa over and over…there are definitely days that I wish we had a video camera in his room to capture those cute moments. I took him to the doctor last week for his routine check up and learned he weighs 19.4lbs! I knew he was getting heavy. He loves his Walking Lion and walks all by himself with it and has a blast doing it. Every day brings something new and we love it!
I think that is all of our adventures for the moment. Stay tuned for more of our Life Across the Ocean!